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Rosalee Brown

Rosalee Brown


Registered Massage Therapist

RMT, R.Kin


I am a kinesiologist, massage therapist, swim instructor and life-long water polo player. I tend to gravitate towards nature and all bodies of water - you’ll find me hiking, camping and planning scuba dive trips all over the world.

Kinesiology is focused on studying human performance and function. I can provide services related to chronic disease management, workplace ergonomics and fitness, similar to how a physiotherapist would. While earning my undergraduate degree, I took special interest in studying coaching theory and techniques, gender studies and ethics in athletics and universal accessibility in sport. I also have a background in coaching water polo, swimming and basic water safety. These passions intersect at my involvement with the Toronto Triggerfish Water Polo team, an LGBTQ+ adult recreation league striving towards the active inclusion of community members who have historically been excluded from aquatics.

In tandem with my work as a kinesiologist, I practice massage therapy. While at Sutherland Chan School and Teaching Clinic, I learned how to use the principles of Swedish and deep tissue techniques, joint mobilizations, lymphatic drainage and hydrotherapy to increase relaxation and treat symptoms associated with work- and home-life related tension and headaches. Likewise, I participated in outreach programming to treat symptoms associated with the following experiences: thoracic surgery, pregnancy/postpartum, spinal injury, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, cerebral palsy and cognitive disability.

I'm honored to work in a client-centered multidisciplinary clinic to combine many modalities and bodywork techniques. Let’s get started!

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