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Roberta (Robbie) Gaundroue

Roberta (Robbie) Gaundroue


Registered Massage Therapist



I became an RMT as a second career and I’m so grateful that I now work in a profession which allows me to support folks in their health care.

Massage therapy came into my own life as I was learning to develop a better relationship with my body. As a patient it helped me manage chronic back pain, heal strained muscles and balance stress. Through this journey, I was inspired to pursue an education at Kikkawa College so that I could pass forward these benefits to others. While there, I learned many techniques to treat a variety of physical conditions. However, in my practice, I have found that active listening is key to an effective treatment. I focus on encouraging relaxation in order to address everything from muscle strains to postural fatigue from daily life, reduction of headaches, jaw related discomfort and chronic pain. I am passionate about helping people and love being able to support my patients to learn more about their own bodies, move more freely and generally feel better about themselves in a safer and judgment-free environment.

When I am not practicing as a massage therapist you can find me reading, cycling, practicing Iyengar yoga or taking my cat for a walk.

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