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Pouria Raziei

Pouria Raziei


Registered Massage Therapist



My journey into massage therapy was not straightforward. When I left Iran to attend high school in India, my analytical mind led me to pursue computer science, but soon I realized I was unfulfilled in the corporate environment.

After moving to Toronto, I unexpectedly found myself invited into a vibrant community of music and art, which awakened a dormant aspect in me; a deeper part with an intuitive connection to energy and bodywork. The impactful relief I experienced from my first massage, inspired me to learn how to help others heal through touch, prompting me to earn my diploma in Massage Therapy from Kikkawa College.

Practicing massage therapy allows me to integrate both the analytical and intuitive sides of myself to personalize treatments. By using the techniques taught at school, I seek to uncover the root cause of your discomfort while also promoting relaxation, enhancing mobility and managing pain. However, my work goes beyond technique; it’s about creating a sanctuary where you feel seen and heard. My goal is to cultivate a space that fosters harmony between mind, body and soul; to give you a renewed sense of well-being.

Outside of my practice, you’ll likely find me immersed in the rhythms of electronic music. I also have an avid curiosity in astrology, using it as a tool to better understand human psychology and interactions. At home, my cat and my plants remind me of life’s simple joys.

Let’s embark on this transformative experience together!

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