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Joanna Rogowska

Joanna Rogowska


Registered Massage Therapist

RMT, CR, Dipl ST (Hons)


I became a registered massage therapist because I am passionate about health and well-being and I believe in the art of healing through touch. I have 20 years of clinical experience and am certified in both Europe and Canada. I enjoy working with my patients to find the best treatment possible for their individual needs by using my skills in shiatsu, Swedish massage therapy and reflexology.

I am an Honours Graduate from The Shiatsu Academy of Tokyo which is a 2,200 hour shiatsu course and the highest level of training outside of Japan. I am also certified in reflexology in both hands and feet and I have taken post graduate studies in Myofascial Integration, Suikodo and deep tissue massage. A variety of these techniques are incorporated when I customize a treatment plan for every patient. It is my goal to help you reduce tension and relieve stress to improve every facet of your life. Whether you are healing from injury or just looking for effective stress management, my massage treatments will benefit you!

I enjoy travelling the world to continue my education and growth as a therapist.

Website: Joanna Rogowska

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